Please note
Our Mission
In order to network the exchange of ideas and expertise among core partners
a consortium of European Earth Science Institutions was founded on 4 September 2012 in Potsdam.
The prime objective of the GEO.8 alliance includes the use of joint infrastructures, the bundling of interests,
in particular within the European research framework, and the promotion of joint project concepts.
GEO.8 members will combine forces in provision of new technology for decarbonisation.
GEO.8 stands for integrated solid Earth science linking observations and modeling of System Earth through a multi-scale approach to unravel the interaction between the deep Earth and processes operating at the Earth surface. Research by GEO.8 is key for better assessment of Earth hazards and innovative technology for extracting Earth resources in the energy transition.
GEO.8 is proud that two of its members are coordinators of each large EU Infrastructure projects: DT-GEO, and GEO-INQUIRE!
Joint project initiatives of GEO.8 include a cooperation with APECC and AE on Observatory Synergies for Astroparticle Physics and Geosciences. GEO.8 and other institutions have already joined forces during the proposal phase of the FET Flagship project “ExtremeEarth”. The EU project EPOS-ERIC: European Plate Observing System involves all GEO.8 partners and forms a further platform for exchange.
Upcoming Events
Last Member Meeting
ZURICH + AIROLO (CH), December 2022
The GEO.8 alliance organises two meetings per year. An evening event during the EGU General Assembly in Vienna is held each spring. In autumn, a two-day event is organised by a GEO.8 member in their respective home country.
Past Meetings

Rome, November 20th, 2018

Utrecht, October 24th, 2016

Chester, November 9th, 2015